Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Salsa-Cheddar Chicken


This recipe was awesome and super filling!

I bought fat free dressing instead of light, when I calculated the pp, light was 1 and free was 0 for 2 Tbsp, it's not a lot of difference, but the free option was there so I went with that.  I cut the chicken into cubes and cooked it, I felt like it was easier to it cook that way.  I also cut the pepper into pieces instead of strips.  I also added a large onion.  I reduced the amount of cheese to 3/4 of a cup.  It is 5pp per serving of the chicken mixture.  Just add the pp to that for the kind (white or brown) and the amount of rice you choose to eat.  So, if one time you make this you only have the pp to eat a half bag of rice, but the next time you have enough pp, or you're hungrier, use a full bag.  I ate a full bag of brown rice, which is 8pp.  A half bag is 4pp.

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