Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Crock Pot Beef Roast

This is what's for dinner tonight!  It is so good and so easy.  I am very addicted to using my crock pot.  I kind of made up this recipe by looking at a bunch of different recipes that were similar and just using the simplest version.

1-1 &1/2 lbs potatoes, cubed
2 cups of carrots (if you like them, or more if you want)
1-2 cups of water
2-3 lb beef chuck roast

Put potatoes & carrots in the bottom of the crock pot.  Season with salt, pepper & rosemary to taste.  Pour water over the veggies until you can see the water coming up about half way to the top of them.  Season both sides of the beef with salt, pepper & rosemary.  Put the beef on top of the veggies.  Cook on low for 8 hours covered. After 8 hours, take the beef out of the crock pot and pull it apart with a fork.

You can weigh the meat using a food scale and calculate the pp from the back of the package, but in general, 4 oz. is 3pp.  The potatoes are 2pp for 1/2 cup.  The carrots are 0pp.  You can serve this with a bag of frozen steam in the bag in the microwave veggies on the side if you want to add more.  This recipe makes about 4 servings, depending on how many potatoes & carrots you put in and how big your beef is.

I took a sports class at the Y this morning that was really hard, I had to come home and take a nap after it!

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