Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Low-Fat Gingerbread Men


My son kept telling me he wanted us to make gingerbread men.  I'm really not sure where he came up with that idea, maybe preschool?  I have made them before, and my recipe was really good, but the first ingredient was shortening, so I knew I needed to find a better WW version!  This is the one I found.  I did have to add a lot of flour at the rolling out step to get the dough to hold together and not stick.  I would probably lower the cooking time a little because they were a little crunchy.  These cookies are good, and definitely a good low fat version, they just aren't as spicy as I remember gingerbread being.  But, give them a try!  They are 3pp per serving.  I would say probably a big cookie would be 3pp, if you used smaller cookie cutters it would be more like 2 cookies per serving.

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