Friday, October 28, 2011

Pumpkin Spiced Oatmeal Pecan Cookies

It's a mouthful to say, but these cookies are definitely a mouthful of yumminess! My son helped me make these, and wouldn't stop eating the batter so I knew they'd be good!  They talked about pumpkin a lot at preschool, and he told me he wanted to eat something with pumpkin in it.  These cookies only have a little in them so I figured he'd eat them.  He actually tasted each ingredient as we added it, and anyone that knows him knows that he won't eat anything!  6 Tbsp on pumpkin is 1/3 cup plus 1 Tbsp.  You could omit the pecans if someone has an allergy or you just don't like them, but why would you leave them out, I love pecans!!  The only thing I would add to this recipe is: you know when you scoop out some batter and put it on your cookie sheet and it spreads out as it bakes?  Well this batter is so dense, the cookies didn't spread out, so they just looked like little balls, but tasted fine.  So, I would just press them down to spread them out a little so they look like regular cookies.

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